
Angela has a wealth of knowledge that she shares and delivers with kindness and compassion. She is an excellent instructor and I learned a great deal from her. I think that the ACTIONS acronym works much better than others used within the same industry and the course was put together Read more…


Excellent course! So relieved to find this course was actually what I have been looking for for many years. We really needed this sort of training when I was working as a school nurse/first aider a few years ago. It isn’t too clinical (my previous training was very heavy on Read more…


I really needed this course years ago when working as a ‘school nurse/first aider’. It is accessible and not too in-depth about mental ill health and possible diagnosed conditions. Just enough to help you identify a possible problem. ACTIONS is straight forward and memorable.


The instructors were very thoughtful in their delivery of the material and used a variety of training methods to ensure the participants could interact and provide their views.


I actually enjoyed the course more than I thought I would, it’s heavy going at times but that is the purpose, to equip you with the toolbox to help in these types of difficult situations.


A professional, thought-provoking course, inspiring and motivating! I felt like I could have carried on learning for a whole week, it was natural and a group I felt at ease with – a perfect learning space that left me with a hunger to learn more.


Education and awareness of MH is fundamental to supporting someone in their time of need. I thoroughly enjoyed the training and the time flew by! I love the approach and content and am excited to share it with others in the future too.


The course content was perfect and covered everything I need to be an Instructor. The pace, delivery and way it was broken down into sections really made it enjoyable.


The course was enlightening, emotional and opened up my eyes, I didn’t expect to learn so much! The two days were invaluable and our trainer’s delivery was excellent, very personable and open. I am very grateful.