Here's your First Aid Needs Assessment guide

Your risk assessment guide contains up-to-date information on:

  • Workplace first aid responsibilities
  • A checklist in four easy steps to make sure you are compliant
  • Information on which first aid kits, and what equipment you should have
  • Recommendations about which first aid course is best.

Click here or on the image to open your copy, which you can print or save to your computer.

A skillbase brochure with the text : Your Workplace First Aid Assessment

And, as a thank you for downloading the guide, here’s some more freebies to help you with your first aid!

Restart a Heart Day

Restart a Heart Day campaign is observed on the 16th of October every year with the aim to encourage more people to learn CPR and life-saving skills through first aid training.  Emergencies happen. On ordinary days, for ordinary people, life can change in a heartbeat. Imagine that you had absolutely […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke

The SkillBase First Aid Guide to Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke – would you know what to do? When we become hot, we sweat – leading to loss of water and salt which can make us very unwell. First Aid training courses may teach you how to deal with most […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Stings & Bites

Do you know the best treatment? Most of us in our life will have been bitten or stung by an insect or bug. In most cases they are minor, causing just general discomfort. However, some stings are more serious and can even involve poisoning. Multiple stings, or those causing anaphylactic […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Drowning

If someone were drowning, would you know what to do? When we become submerged in water, it can enter the lungs and cause suffocation. It should be noted that even after a water rescue, a casualty is still at risk, even if they appear to have recovered. Even a small […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Seizures, Fits & Epilepsy

Epilepsy Awareness Week takes place from 23rd-29th May 2022 this year. It can be really traumatic to witness someone having a seizure. But it can be even more traumatic when you don’t know what to do… What are seizures? Seizures or fits are most commonly associated with epilepsy. As a […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Strokes

We have all seen the stroke adverts on what to look out for, haven’t we? But how confident are you when it comes to recognising and assisting someone experiencing a stroke?   Did You know? Around 150,000 people in the UK suffer a stroke each year. They are most common […]

National Heart Month – Keeping your Heart Healthy!

February is National Heart Month!  To mark National Heart Month we wanted to share our expertise on heart health. Including first aid for heart attacks, heart conditions, and how to keep your heart healthy!  Fun Facts! Your heart will beat about 100,000 times each day. Your heart is the strongest […]

Bonfire Night: Oooh, Ahhh, OUCH!

The nights are drawing in and it’s getting chilly, so it’s time to dig out the big coat! You might be wrapping up with your gloves and scarves, or celebrating with some tasty food whilst watching a colourful light display. The last thing you’ll probably be thinking about is fire […]

Top 10 Healthy Heart Tips for World Heart Day

World Heart Day is celebrated each year on the 29th of September. With this in mind, we look at our top 10 healthy heart tips.   The heart is part of your body’s circulatory system. It’s made up of the atria, ventricles, valves, various arteries and veins. The main function […]

World First Aid Day 2021 – Our top free guides!

Today is World First Aid Day! Have you ever thought…’I really should learn some first aid?’ or ‘Would I know what to do in an emergency?’ As it’s World First Aid Day, maybe it’s time to take action? A recent report has shown that only half of people in the […]