SkillBase First Aid Training Courses Post05

How to use a defibrillator – a real life guide and why there’s no need to be scared to use one.

Defibs (sometimes called Automated External Defibrillators or AEDs) are increasingly becoming available in workplaces and the community (public access defibrillation). With so many more AED’s available, it’s a great idea for everyone to know how to use a defibrillator. This guide will give you a free overview of how to Read more…

Two men sat at a table talking, one man has a note book open and a pen in his hand.

Mental Health & Crisis Support – Contact Details To Get Help

A mental health crisis can mean different things. It generally means when someone’s health worsens to the point where they need urgent help from professional services, for example: Severe influence of substances. Severe self-harm needing assistance. Need for physical first aid or medical help. Extraordinarily anxious or panic attack. Paranoia, Read more…

How Long Does First Aid Training Take?

It’s a common one. You need First Aid Training, but how long is this going to take you? How many days of annual leave will you need (or days out of the office) for you to get up to speed? Let’s break this down… Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Like Read more…