Often when we speak to clients, they tell us that they struggle to find volunteers to become first aiders. This always seems odd to us, but then again we are super-passionate about giving people confidence to save lives – it’s what we do! It’s not until we speak to delegates at the end of courses that the reasons become clear…
‘I’ve been a first aider for years, and this is the most confident I have ever felt’ Fab!
‘I always thought first aid would be boring like health & safety training’ Dagger to our hearts.
‘I did first aid training before, and it was really complicated and I ended up feeling really stupid’ Whaaaaa?!
But…. when we tell people what we do for work, they always say ‘oooh… first aid, I really should learn that I’ve always wanted to’. That’s probably because they would hate to be in a situation where there was an emergency, especially at home, and they were standing there without a clue, feeling helpless and wishing they had done that course.
To help you recruit first aiders for your workplace, we have produced a series of posters, that you can download for free and edit with your contact details. All of the posters feature home and ‘out-and-about’ accident, to help make the people in your workplace realise that they can be a confident first aider, or ‘Superhero on standby’ as we call them.
Download the posters of your choice by clicking here, and start recruiting extra first aiders for your workplace today – after all, many hands make light work!
Posters included in the pack: