Today is World First Aid Day!

Have you ever thought…’I really should learn some first aid?’ or ‘Would I know what to do in an emergency?’

As it’s World First Aid Day, maybe it’s time to take action? A recent report has shown that only half of people in the UK would feel confident enough to give first aid – giving just a 50:50 chance of receiving help.

More worryingly, 70% of people surveyed said they would worry that they might make the situation worse, or do something wrong. And, a shockingly low 4% actually knew the correct skills for the three most life-threatening first aid situations.

Of course, the best possible way you can learn to be a first aider it to attend a confidence boosting first aid training course! But, if that’s not possible right now you can still learn some of the basics.

Here are our top five first aid guides of the year. It should not take more than 30 minutes to read through them all. Time to grab a cuppa and seize the day!

1. How to do CPR during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Every year in the UK 30,000 people experience a cardiac arrest with 80% of those experiencing a cardiac arrest in the home. This means it could be family members or friends, and if we don’t act quickly enough, they could die within minutes.   Read more…

2. How to use a defibrillator – a real-life guide and why there’s no need to be scared to use one.

How to use a defib

Defibs (sometimes called Automated External Defibrillators or AEDs) are increasingly becoming available in workplaces and the community (public access defibrillation). With so many more AED’s available, it’s a great idea for everyone to know how to use a defibrillator. Read more…

3. Myth #1 – You might be sued if you give someone first aid

Sometimes we speak with people who are afraid to provide life-saving first aid to people, because they are afraid of legal action. Whether at work or when out and about, it is important that we are all willing to help  Read more…

4. Meningitis: Why you shouldn’t wait for a rash.

Often when we are training first aiders about Meningitis, people think that the main sign and symptom they should look out for is a distinctive rash. It’s super important that we do know about how to recognise and test this  Read more…

It can be really traumatic to witness someone having a seizure. But it can be even more traumatic when you don’t know what to do… Read more…

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If you have any questions about first aid training courses, comment below or call us on 0330 335 1234.
SkillBase First Aid are experts in delivering fresh, confidence-building First Aid Training courses.


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