
Get ready for World Mental Health Day on 10 October, as we call on everyone to open up to mental health, to talk and to listen!

World Mental Health Day was first observed on the 10th of October 1992 as an annual activity of the World Federation for Mental Health aimed at promoting mental health advocacy and educating the public on relevant issues. Celebrated on the 10th of October, it provides an opportunity to place the spotlight on the mental health challenges experienced in our world today.

It is a great opportunity to engage your organisation in the fantastic work you are already doing to address mental health stigma in the workplace, and to introduce new policies or activities to employees.

Here at SkillBase First Aid we know that one day is not sufficient when it comes to making real change for mental health awareness in the workplace, but it’s certainly a great place to start! 

The theme of 2022’s World Mental Health Day, set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is…Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on people’s mental health. Some groups, including health and other frontline workers, students, people living alone, and those with pre-existing mental health conditions, have been particularly affected. And services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders have been significantly disrupted.

Yet there is cause for optimism. During the World Health Assembly in May 2021, governments from around the world recognized the need to scale up quality mental health services at all levels. And some countries have found new ways of providing mental health care to their populations”.

Taken from World Health Organisation (WHO)

First, let’s not ignore that inequality…


Access to mental health support can often sadly be determined on where you might live and who you are. It shouldn’t be this way. Thankfully there are many people, organisations and charities fighting this injustice. 

We stand for change and we stand for equality for all.

So, let’s join together by learning about mental health inequality, using our voice and standing up for those unable to.

‘In Conversation with Jon Salmon’ – Webinar

We were super happy this year to be joined by mental health campaigner and advocate Jon Salmon for a chat. Jon talked to us about his own experience with mental ill-health and how 5 years ago he suddenly found himself telling his story live on TV, going on to work with some of the Royal family for mental health charity Heads Together… and what life has been like since!

Find out more about Jon here!


So, how can you get involved for World Mental Health Day (and beyond)?

Count your steps! Walk, run or stroll your way to better mental health for all this November. Take 12,000 steps a day and raise vital funds for the Mental Health Foundation. Why not join a fundraising team with work colleagues! Find out more here.

Over at MIND, their awareness campaign ‘If this speaks to you, speak to us’ is using spoken word to show the different ways people talk about their experiences. You can watch, share and get involved here

Rethink Mental Illness are looking for people to get involved in their campaign by… “telling us why you think severe mental illness should be a priority. Record a short clip or share a few words finishing the sentence ‘severe mental illness should be a priority because…’ Post your video on your social media channels, tag us and help to raise awareness of why severe mental illness should be top of the agenda”. More info here.

Remember to look after yourself too. Take a look at our blog all about wellbeing here!

Book a talk for your workplace!

Our accredited Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainers deliver a wide range of talks, sessions and workshops on mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can create the perfect talk for your organisation! You can also book in a free consultation below (the big pink button).

Check out more ideas for mental health in the workplace on the blogs below…

8 things to try in the workplace AFTER World Mental Health Day

What should my company do for World Mental Health Day?

Mental health training at work

With 1 in 5 employees experiencing moderate to high levels of stress, it is crucial to look at how you can support, educate and empower your employees with mental health training.

Our training is designed to reduce stigma and teach practical skills that can be used every day in the workplace. It teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health and provide help on a first aid basis.

Here at SkillBase First Aid we provide Fundamental Wellbeing courses available online and as group training, or we can come to you wherever you are in England! We also offer bespoke training, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and talks. Get in touch today to find out how we can support your organisation. 

Yes please!

We also have a dedicated Mental Health Training Team to consult with you and your organisation on strategy, implementing mental health training and all wellbeing-related policies.

Book a FREE consultation!


However you do it, just do it! 

You don’t have to be experts to talk about mental health, it’s something we all have, just as we all have physical health. So talk, listen and be open-minded.

We believe in equality between mental and physical health, that’s why we provide training in both